Unbeknownst to the residents of Moose county and the rest of the world, billionaire philanthropist James McIntosh Qwilleran's youth was lost in the annals of time. Until now. Trolling the seas of vast information on the Internet I have discovered that before Qwill (as he is lovingly known to the residents of Moose county) adopted the famous cat Kao Ko Kung and incidentally Yum Yum, and inherited his billions he was secretly (dum dum DA!) a NINJA! While being a big time reporter he did ninja work on the side fighting crime. Where do you think he got the info for his prize winning book on crime? If you don't believe me I offer the following proof: a picture of taken while in full ninja dress.
Note the luxuriant salt and pepper mustache. That my friends is something you can't fake. For further reading on the adventures of the young ninja Qwilleran, I would suggest reading Dr. McNinja. Amazing, I know. And so my readers, I leave you with just that golden nugget of information lest more completely blows your minds and you spend the rest of your days as a vegetable, unable to read my blog any further. I need all the readers I can get.
I always wondered... That Qwill character always seems to get out of danger at the last possible second. What better cover than a "genius cat"?! "oh yeah uh... the cat saved me... I aint no ninja... heh heh..."
Simply amazing. Ya gotta love the salt and pepper...
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